ShareWine Tasting: KRUG Vertical Tasting

The tasting was hosted by ShareWine in April 2023. Thanks to all participants.

Exclusive KRUG Vertical Tasting

You shouldn't miss a glimpse of our most exclusive tasting to date! It was a long-awaited evening featuring a vertical KRUG lineup of grand proportions. Wines we had collected over many years to create a magical evening in the purest ShareWine spirit, where these extraordinary bottles were shared among Champagne enthusiasts. And magical it was!

Tasting Notes

It was very exciting to taste the difference between Grande Cuvée edition 166 in standard versus magnum bottle. The latter had an extra gear in breadth, depth, and height, so to speak. Let's just say... Go big or go home!

Not to mention the even more grandiose duels between Vintage; 2008, 2006, and 2004 up against the respective Grande Cuvées with the same base year. This refers to editions 164, 162, and 160. In the first set, 164 currently showed the most volume, while the 2008 was still very stringent and acid-dominated.

However, the wine of the night was Vintage 1998 in its late released version, released in 2022. A true Krugian display of power!