ShareWine WineHub

Users residing outside of Denmark have the option to have bottles purchased from Danish sellers sent to our WineHub. From there, a combined pickup can be arranged, or we can bundle the shipment for you to make it more convenient and cheeper.

At our WineHub, the wines are stored at perfect conditions year-round.

Who Can Use WineHub

Our WineHub is specifically designed for international buyers.

If you would like to use this service, please contact us at to learn more.

How It Works

Users with access to this service will have an additional option during payment/checkout. Whenever we have enabled the feature on your profile, all you need to do is:

  • Start the payment for the item you wish to send to ShareWine WineHub.

  • Select "Send to ShareWine WineHub."

  • The seller will automatically receive information about where the item should be sent.